This set of instructions covers two items being updated at Chemtreat:
Replacing a modem
Replacing Things Mobile SIM cards for Telnyx and Kajeet
Chemtreat Ordering Process Information
Chemtreat Ordering Process Information
Order Form
Order Form
ChemTreat will fill out the order form and submit it.
The form submission will generate an entry on the ChemTreat ModemMillie Replacement Form Smartsheet.
The Smartsheet will send an email to generate a Hubspot ticket.
Data Needed Review with Liam
Data Needed Review with Liam
APS Support - Hubspot Ticket – Acknowledge receipt of form submission and follow up when needed, order, mark site, set task.
Please note that ChemTreat has stated that they do not want to receive order verification or tracking information when the order is placed.
When the ticket appears in Hubspot, use the information from the submitted form to place an order for the SIM card or modem using the instructions provided in the document titled 117 – Creating a Standard Order. Please refer to the next step for additional instructions that apply to these replacements.
The process for creating a Sales order for both a modem replacement and a SIM Card replacement are very similar. All steps should be followed for each with exceptions for each being noted throughout the process.
Determine Shipping Location
Determine Shipping Location
Default location will be out of Hanover until modem inventory is depleted. We can then switch to Texas. It is entirely possible that Texas may ship a modem as Chemtreat requests come in.
Creating a Sales Order
Creating a Sales Order
From ChemTreat Modem and SIM Replacement Smartsheet, identify the entry that you’re working on and select the ordering site that you used.
From X3 Sales Process Map, select Fast Order
When Sales Order screen is displayed, from right side menus select the "+" sign.
Enter the following information
From Right Side Panel, select Delivery Address
Enter the Ship To Address which is found on the item identified on the ChemTreat Modem and SIM Replacement Smartsheet. Alternatively, it can also be found on the Intercom ticket for this modem replacement.
Select OK button to close ShipTo Customer address window
Scroll Down to Delivery section
Enter the following info:
Scroll down to Lines
The Part Numbers being used will depend upon the type of order being created.
From Right Side panel select Header text
When window opens hit Enter a few times to move prepopulated text down a few lines. Then enter the following:
For Modem replacement enter the following:
PRODUCTION: Replacing Modem Serial Number
STICKERS: (Contoller SN / Location)
ACTIVE SIM: Make Telnyx AT&T the active SIM
For SIM Replacements, enter the following:
PRODUCTION: Replacing SIM card in IP Address / Modem Serial Number
STICKERS: New sticker with updated IP addresses
Add Controller serial/LocationAdd QR Code for Install Instructions
SIM APNs: data00.telnyx / ne01.vzwstatic
Close Header Text window
Create the Sales Order by pressing the Check Mark in upper Right Panel
IMPORTANT Information that still needs to be formatted
IMPORTANT Information that still needs to be formatted
Task Instructions: Modem and SIM Card Replacement Process
Initial Steps:
When you receive the reminder for this task, refer to Part 4 of this document.
Document the following actions:
Note that the order has been placed.
Confirm that the reminder has been set.
Move the ticket to "Waiting on Contact."
Reminder Notification:
Wait for the reminder to notify you that it’s time to check on the new modem and deactivate the old SIM card.
When the reminder occurs, follow the steps below.
SIM Card Replacement Email Template:
Subject: Replacement SIM Card Not Online
While preparing to deactivate the old SIM card for (modem IP or serial) at (location and controller serial number), we found that the replacement SIM card is not online yet. If the SIM card has been installed in the modem and the APN has been changed but still requires troubleshooting, please call 888-455-6641 or email us at, and we’ll be happy to help.
Thank you,
Modem Replacement Email Template:
Subject: Replacement Modem Not Online
While preparing to deactivate the old modem for (modem IP or serial) at (location and controller serial number), we found that the replacement MODEM is not online yet.
SN: (SN)
If the modem has been installed but still requires troubleshooting, please call 888-466-6641 or email us at, and we’ll be happy to help.
Thank you,
If the New Modem or SIM Card is Online
Deactivate the Old SIM Card:
Find the old SIM card in the APS log using the original modem IP or serial number.
Access the provider portal:
For Telnyx SIM cards:
Navigate to Wireless > SIM Cards in the Telnyx Dashboard.
Search by ICCID, and disable the SIM card.
For Kajeet SIM cards:
Navigate to Manage Devices in the Kajeet Sentinel portal.
Search by ICCID, suspend the device, and confirm suspension.
Update Modem Settings:
Log in to the Pepwave modem using:
Username: admin
Password: Ch3mtr34t
Check the WAN Connection Status to confirm the SIM slot in use.
Go to Cellular Settings:
Uncheck the unused SIM slot.
Adjust Signal Threshold Settings to 0 bars.
Save and Apply the settings.
Deactivate the unused SIM card using the ICCID.
Update APS Modem Log:
Remove ICCID and IP details of the old SIM card.
Move the active ICCID to the appropriate column.
Final Email to Rep
Subject: Replacement Process Complete
The replacement process for (location and controller serial number) is now complete. The modem using (Old IP) has been replaced. Your controller can now be accessed at:
(new IP:8585) for controller 1
(new IP:8686) for controller 2
If you need further assistance, please call 888-455-6641 or email us at
Thank you,
Final Actions:
Note that the replacement process is complete.
Add the SO number to the note.
Close the ticket.